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Do you believe in God
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I Believe in God, But Not Religion..
According to the most recent surveys of religion in America, somewhere between a fourth and a third of Americans describe themselves as “spiritual but not religious.”
Many of my friends identify this way. Their beliefs fall on a wide spectrum from “I believe in a higher power with whom I communicate and pray to,” to “I think I believe in God but why would I bother going to church?” Some even admire and follow many of Jesus’ teachings specifically but don’t claim membership in any particular faith community or tradition.
When we’ve talked about their skepticism regarding organized religion, they often express sentiments along the lines of:
“Religion just seems like a lot of rules;”
“The people are self-righteous and hypocritical;”
“I don’t like what the Church teaches regarding politics, money, or moral issues;”
“How do I pick just one religion? There’s so many, which is the right one? And if I pick one, am I then saying that I think all the other religions are wrong or going to hell?”
Yet despite all these reservations, my friends tell me they sense within their heart they belong to something bigger than themselves, and bigger than the God churches claims he lives in Heaven. As a high school teacher of theology and religious studies, I’ve walked with many teens and young adults as they’ve struggled to reconcile their desire for God with the shortcomings of religion and the humans who comprise them.
No one on this planet earth has been able to prove the existence of God, talkless of a God that lives in heaven. Common??? I believe as humans, we’ll all get at some point in our lives where we gain self awareness by knowing that God is Nature.
Here is a quick 22 Reasons to STOP Believing in God.
I do not believe in any reliegeon but I do belive that god exists. For me, god is myself. God exists insde me. God is the higher power that leads me to a right path and I believe that I can go through that path because I have the equal power inside me. All of us have power that is sleeping inside us.
Yes, I Do.
It is a very good very easy to answer it.
In the first place, we believe in God because we get closer to Him. We inform our-self, we understand, we analyze, we get involved… This relationship that we are weaving with God makes us feel truly in our life, that we feel heard, that we assume that there is Someone it really is there. This point is not understood by non-believers because it is based on experience, which requires experiencing it, living it, in the first person to understand it. It is often mocked by some disrespectful unbelievers, but in reality it is the main reason that we believers have to believe in God: the experience, having known God and the relationship we establish with Him.
Second, believing in God is something natural to the human being in general, since all civilizations have believed in some type of god, which shows that we would be “programmed” for it (and also reveals something deeper …).
Thirdly, we believe in God because they educate us in faith. We are much more likely to believe in God if those values, ideas and beliefs have been instilled in our home, although it is neither obligatory nor essential except in an early phase of our life (childhood).
We could say, therefore, that we believe in God because we have approached Him, but that approach can be on our own initiative or for a kind of ‘call’: there is something that attracts us , which makes us carry out actions to know God. Once we know it, we will continue with our relationship because we discover that it is something that brings light to our life. There are people who withdraw at some point due to circumstances, doubts or social pressure. But the relationship with God is a form of friendship, and as all friendship can go through different stages until reaching a point of balance that makes it part of our life and makes us believe in God simply because it brings us something in our life, form part of it and we cannot imagine it without Him. In short: it gives us meaning, a path, a light and security. We feel part of Him and it makes sense to us. And that is the most important.
I can Explain in you in this way
You just have to believe that GOD is there by considering following
1.The complexity of our planet points to a deliberate Designer who not only created our universe, but sustains it today
2.The universe had a start – what caused it…???
3.The universe operates by uniform laws of nature. Why does it?
I hope that these all are because of GOD itself
So I do believe that GOD is Exist
Thank you and Regards
God loves you and has a plan for you.
The Bible says, “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, that whoever believes in Him shall not die, but have eternal life” (John 3:16).
Jesus said, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly”
— a complete life full of purpose (John 10:10).
2. YOU
We are sinful and separated from God.
We have all done, thought or said bad things, which the Bible calls “sin.”
The Bible says, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).
The result of sin is death, spiritual separation from God (Romans 6:23).
God sent Jesus to die for your sins.
This is the good news:
Jesus died in our place so we could have a relationship with God and be with Him forever.
“God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).
But it didn’t end with His death on the cross. He rose again and still lives!
“Jesus Christ died for our sins. … He was buried. … He was raised on the third day, according to the Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).
Jesus is the only way to God.
Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me” (John 14:6).
God loves you and has a plan for you.
Praying is simply talking to God. He knows you. What matters is the attitude of your heart, your honesty.
Pray a prayer like this to accept Jesus as your Savior:
“Jesus Christ,
I am sorry for the things I have done wrong in my life. Thank you for dying on the Cross for me, set me free from all my sins and forgive me today. Please come into my life and fill me with your Holy Spirit. Be with me forever.
Thank you Jesus!”
As we all know, god is our creator, the one who created the earth and heaven and also created we human beings, the father to the fatherless and the mother to the motherless, why will we not believed in god? , best on we have many religious in the world while everyone knows that there is god if you don’t believe in god you will never see better in your life, so if you want to be among the succeed ones after earth, you must to believe in god
When I look at the clear night sky, it makes me smile and prove to myself that God do really exist. Some people might think the thought “to see is to believe,” which I also I agreed. Just by looking at those shining stars, it shows that there is a higher force above there that made those gigantic celestial bodies. Thus, telling me that God exist and there He is, watching us from above.
I do believe in God, but it depends the type and kind of God you’re referring to. As of me, God in the internal spirit in mind. God is the energy i feel. God is the air i breath.
Without those things I’m a dead person. Hence i honor the above mentioned aspect of my life to be my God. That is my believe tho!
Jesus said it is finished, meaning that “Father, I have paid the debt owed to you by humanity”.
It is originated from the statement ” All men have sinned against God”.
Born again verses: John 3:3-6
God is Absolute. the creator of all things
Racism is real and it happens to the best of all of us. there are many forms of racism that you can experience
the basic beliefs of Islam is submission to Allah.
recitation of the koran, praying five times a day, fasting, and to undertake a pilgrimage to Mecca once in your life
Yes I do , I was born and raised a christian and as a child going to church and praying was more of a duty than faith ,my family is not very religious but as a teenager i didn’t have a lot of people to talk to and I’d feel like am bothering them with my issues ,so if wake-up late at night and pray , somethimes id just thank God and go back to sleep , and my faith in God grew and through prayers I got the light I needed in my path . So yes I believe in God
Yes because with GOD WE are OK without him we are KO. Only in God we Trust
Yes I believe in God .All does to shift our minds from negative thoughts to a positive faith which help us to move forward .
I believe in God the creator of the universe,God of Abraham,Isaac n Jacob who is the king of Kings and who watches over me day by day
Yes I believe in god. Because sometimes human can make efforts, can be smart like hell, can creat best inventions but if doesnt have help of god, by giving or striking that ideas in his mind, he wont be able achieve anything. Everything we do involves luck,destiny and help from above and provider of that is only God. Sometimes through other humans, sometimes through emotions and feeling and thoughts.
Yes , He is the source of all life on earth and in the heavens. He is the reason we live and even exists as humans . He is the same yesterday, today & forever
I believe in God, I believe that is my higher self. I believe it is the that soft voice that always tells me to do good for others. That energy that keeps me giving. I believe I was created by a a God of pure love. I believe in myself. I believe in the Source.
A lot of people believe in God but that is not specific. Different people have different Ideas about God and God means different things to different people.
I believe in the Almighty God, the maker of the whole universe with the word of his mouth. Who also gave us His son Jesus Christ to die for our sins so that we would be redeemed and gave us His Holy Spirit to enable us walk with him on earth.
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
I believe in the the Creator of all things that exist.That is to say the spirit that brought everything into existence because nothing in this world came without someone or some spirit creating it.There is a God somewhere i believe so .
Yes, I do believe in God because he is the creator of the world. And also he is the one I worship with my family and everyone. We’re not actually christians and I am not talking about the christian God either. I’m talking about our local God’s here. So yes, i believe in God.
Yes, I do believe in God. God is not a person, nor he a thing. God is energy, air, words, universe, that you experience in your day-to-day life.
God is always with us, all the time. Many things has happened in my life that I keep wondering if truly God is real, but my conclusion was/is that God truly exist, because the good things that has happened in my life are more higher than the bad ones.
Believing in God doesn’t mean that everything you ask of’ from him, he will provide that to you just immediately. Which i solely believe many people begins to doubt or question whether God exist is because of the bad things they have experienced, or asked and didn’t received. But something i know for sure is, you can’t have everything you desire, although it might be possible, but it is not a must.
So, first, believing in God is believing in yourself. Because you are God, that is why the bible made it simple that we’re all made out of the image of God. Somewhere it also says, You are one with God. I think that should sound something in your head.
I Believe, there’s just only one God who created all living things, but religion makes us think otherwise
Yes I do. God must be there because without his presence the creation of the entire universe is impossible. We cannot tell about his physical presence in this universe but yes there is some energy which is very positive from which we derive hope, faith, trust and that is our life goes on so smoothly.
I believe not in god but i believe in a supernatural power which cannot be defined.
This supernatural power i associate with a god, to give it an identity.
I think this god of mine is driven by positive energies and the more i communicate positively with it, the more the energy reverberates.
There are things beyond human reason and those things constitute the supernatural. The things not under our control or understanding. They are driven by faith.
These positive energies and faith is what drives us.
If you can put your immense faith in your parents they can become your gods. But we are not able to do it because our brain sees them as equals to us. Same mortal humans.
Thus, we need to put our faith in something above us, the inexplicable, the supernatural. That for me is the GOD.
Yes i am Muslim and we believe in only one GOD who have created this universe and everything in this Universe.
There is a God, this is clear to any sane person:
“who created these planets?””
“who organized intelligent life?””
“who developed civilization to this extent?”
Logic leads inexorably to a single mind.
Think )у Don’t believe that some big explosion, created a universe explosion always kills and does not create.
Believing God is a Trust on ourselves.
Believing God is a Respect towards Parents and your Guardians.
Believing God is to Respect towards whole world.
Believing is like a seeking Help.
Believing is a Principle of Discipline.
“When We say discipline it means it manners when we say manners it means it behaviours.”
I Trust in God like Sun.
Yes, i believe in God.
God is real and i know he lives in Heaven and he created me, without him i am nothing today. Believe in him and your days shall be bright.
Here is a short story about this same question on Church of Jesus Christ https://bit.ly/2sZbAUa
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I believe in God
I know religion tends to mess things up for us with their constant being at each other throats, but I’ve had some encounters with him where I know there was no logical explanation to it! Believing in God is having faith! And if you have faith, no Matter how small it is, some part of you believe in God!
I never new about myself until a certain age.This shows that there has been a
supernatural forcee behind my origin and survival up to now.And whoever has this is the one I refer and believe in him as my God.
Yes, I believe.
Even though I didn’t go to church every Sunday, I still believe in Him.
He is my savior, my protector, and my friend.
I talk to Him everyday, thanking Him for all the blessing, protection and
giving my family a good health.
God is used to explain something/ something greater than human. We all have inner conviction about everything therefore am convinced that God is and I believe in him as God.
Yes I believe in God His existence is real and I don’t believe in Him because the church teach us about Him or my parents taught me about Him but because its a strong feeling in me His real and if you would ask to have an encounter with Him Be sure you will experience Him
c’mon… we all believe in GOD. Just think, when you have a big problem , what are you doing ? you are praying. Think that we are in plain, flying to kidding Paris , pilot declares that we have a fuel problem and our plain will be crashed in 5 minutes, even ateist will start to pray !
Then, look, everything is ideal around, animals, forests ,even your body’s symmetry.
Do you know anything about astronomy ? starts ,gallaxies ? what do you think who created them ? we ? haha, no. They were created by the most talanted sculpture, scientist, expert – by the God !
Believe in God my friends, doesnt matter what is your religion, believe and pray. Troubles are an examination, God is testing us. Pray and say thank you God for everything. The God is giving medicine next to problems.
Yes, I believe in God. In my opinion, God created all human beings on the Eart planet. Furthermore, we are all the same under this sky.
Yes, I believe in God. I have felt the presence of God, seen His face many times, even though you wont remember His face once He is gone. I have the gift of taking demons out of people(Deliverance) something you can only do in the presence of God through His power. I have been tortured by demons and all kinds of evil spirits, witchery etc. in more ways than one. But I have survived all of these because the presence of God in my life always saves me. The victory I have achieved against the powers of darkness through God’s power, have strengthened and grown my believe in God to a very high level. If there was no God, the dark world and its entitities would have long killed me. They do not give up, they are still trying, but God always come through for me. Because of my strong believe, love and respect for Him. I no longer experience any fear or doubt because of the way I have experienced and seen the power of God in action. So “yes”! I believe in God!
I do believe in God of my four father’s Abraham Isaac and Jacob .but without this one God I don’t believe in any that’s why my answer is it depends the type of God
Yes . I believe in God. I believe that our existence is all because of Him and that He influences our daily lives since our daily activities are guided by many aspects from the Bible which is God’s own book for guidance and communication channel to the human race. So with all these, it’s very clear that God actually exists and so we have every reason to believe in Him.
Yes, i believe in God.But God, which I believe in, is the creator of the universe The architect of this great universe Because the greatest creator is the one who created this system .As for God, who is mentioned in religions, he is a human imagination
Absolutely! I believe the world and everything in it didn’t come up by chance. They all exist as a result of a well planned creation by someone, so if not God who else. So I believe in God
I believe in god because it is part my generation and we always pray to our God to make our life better and Guide us to the rightpath
Have you seen any man creating earth before? No
Have u seen any man creating human before? No
then someone exist who created the universe and that person is God.
God is the creator and the supplier of the oxygen you are breathing now.
Sure I do. How could I be here of I didnt. We all believe, some will say science this science that but the truth is that science is a product of God. He allows us to do, think, invent all these amazing things we so proudly call reality. It is all an extension of Gods creation.
Just pay a little bit more attention and your eyes will open. We can try calling it law of attractions vibration, the secret, we all talking about the one and only God.
yes, i believe in God and his doings. It all depends with an individual with his religion on who to believe.
for me yes i do
I believe in God because without him I wouldn’t be where I am today.
I do believe in God.
There are so many things happened and happens around me and in prayer, I get answers. This is clear to me that God is real. Another thing is that when I look at things happening, there are so many questions on how they happen and why. Nobody knows exactly what we are made of. We just read from articles how we were formed, but none has ever created a human being; with blood and flesh. All these things make me believe in God.
There are many reasons why belief in God is reasonable. The first is that nothing science has discovered explains the existence of the universe. Yet the universe has a beauty and an order that suggests a rational mind lies behind it all. Just as the existence of a computer demonstrates that there is someone who invented it, so the world in all its beautiful complexity points to the existence of a Creator, God.
Yes I do, Religion aside there is not a logical way to explain all that goes on around us in this vast universe the earth is nothing more but a speck of its might, God definitely exists
God is an all total of supreme energy that constitutes, operates and destruct the universe from time to time. God is an immaterial and intangible power. which we can feel through different movements of universe only.
Honestly speaking…I think am slowly becoming an atheist. Yes they do say it takes time for Him to answer but what if it takes forever??I have been praying for one thing in my life but the opposite keeps happening and I lost my faith
Yes i believe in God,because he is my creator,he is the reason why I am aliveand why I can breath.wituout I’m nobody, and come to think of this, why are we humans and why do we call on the name of the lord? Because he created us,so I believe in God
Yes, If I believe that I exist that I feel myself breathing and interacting with other beings then there is a supernatural being. Just the way different people have different responsibility and powers that is just how God heirachy is.There must be something or someone that is above nature and life just as there is a principal above all teachers and a president above all residents.You can’t say a body is a just like a computer program that it’s set to wake up early and sometimes get late.Computer can’t make such kind of mistake/adjustment automatically without being Tampered with always. It’s hard to set such a reality into program. A reality that can’t repeat itself and the sibling are totally something different.So there is Good who is powerful but is hidden from your physical eye.
I do believe in God, as the sole creator, I believe in the existence of an omnipresent being, though I often have to query myself about certain things related to how we came into being, and sometimes my mind is susceptible to alittle bit of wandering.
I do believe in God but not in religion made my we humans to differentiate from one other. For me the whole world is one and so the God.
For me believing in God is to be positive, never forget humanity, never loose hope, be kind to others.
Attending religious activities and doing nothing will not make you a true believer in God but karma makes you.
Yes , I believe in god . and the God is Kabir saheb, http://www.supremegod.org
i believe in God, when you think and wonder how everything came into existence, there’s every possibility that a force was behind it, a supreme being which is GOD.
This question goes very way back and even now some people do not believe in god but i say why rather believe in science when you can believe in god and others say why rather believe in god who cannot be seen and touched wherelse science proves everything to you
But one question that peole should be asking is was there science beforehand and can god be seen and can he come here right now and prove he is there?
Well i say just believe in either one of themthat eorks for you and i believe in god
Yes. I believe in God. Because i believe he is the reason why i am here. The reason i am alive and having to eat 3 time a day. He is the reason why i’m waking up and having a gift of wonderful life. The reason why i have a beautiful family. So yes i believe in Him.
Yes i always believe in god because god make me best to complete my target. Some time you cannot complete your target with any reason but god belive make you strong and destroy all reson and you complete your target easly.
I do believe in Allah, Allah is the who created and invented this world. Allah is the one who gave us our beauty. Think about it.
God is supreme and the creator of the universe, he is the Alpha and omega. Yes, I believe in God, the creator of the universe and the master of the day of judgement.
I do believe in God, I just thimk that religion has ben overrated.
yes, I do be in God is a supreme being who created everything .so many people try to tell us God doesn’t exist yet there are some mysteries that they don’t explain to us because they don’t have answers to, such mysteries include death, where people go after they die.such mysteries are only explained in the bible, this is why I believe in God
GOD means GIVER OF DIVINITY. I just believe in HIM, I know HIm.
Because, if God doesn’t exist
You will not have to ask the question in the first place.
I believe in almighty God though, I’m not a religious person. God can be linked to spirituality. Spirituality is what makes you high in mind like some prayer, sermon and hymn. God exist. Since the inception of philosophy and realism, there have been no answer to the question who created universe. The answer is God
Yes I do. It exist and living. Believing in God is different from being religious. I believe in God because I always look up to him and he answers my logical prayers with my active involvement (WORK TOWARDS THE PRAYER).
Yes, I believe in God. Actually we don’t need to believe it . It’s every time ,every where . Its you , its me, its everything, its the BELIEVE itself.
Actually I do believe in God but I believe that there is one God who made is all or it can be an energy or anything but there should not be particular god for every religion religion always used to mess it up all . People like Jesus Christ or guru Nanak came done their work(good work) and died as everyone used to but that doesn’t mean they are god ( I know it can sound inappropriate) we all made them god or we consider them as god . There’s just one energy which have maintained positivity and even I would say that the whole universe born because of science not god( sorry if I sounded inappropriate anywhere)
I believe in God. You cannot tell the start and end of the universe. Do you have answer how this universe was formed? You can tell it is formed by atoms and particles. But from where does those come from? How it is possible for the earth to have correct gravity and atmosphere? If you it the formation of nature, from where did it got the pattern to form earth and living beings? For everything, there should be a beginning. Be it a atom or protons, there should be a beginning for it. There are powers unseen by science and that power is called God. God lives everywhere. God live in you and me.
i do believe in God,he is everywhere.
who is running all the system of universe?
indeed He is God
Yes I believe in God not because I was persuaded to do so but because I have experienced the reality of His existence.
God is real and He’s loving. I have enough reasons why I believe in God and why I have chosen to serve Him till the end.
God has healed me of my diseases. God had miraculously provided my school fee when all hope had been lost. He delivered me from fire incident that almost cost me my life.
He has been faithful tome and my siblings even without Dad, God has been helping my mom in taking good care of us.
Anyone can be god,Almost… you just have to be best at it.
I think something more then us is differently exist but exactly about God I have some doubts..in my opinion it’s some people created for easier manipulating with others..but whoever knows it
I believe there is a higher being that we answer to at the end of the day all over history we have people worshipping different gods thus their must be a higher being
Yes, I believe in God, maker of heaven and earth, who was, who is, and who is to come.
Yes i belive in God because without God we wouldnt exist we where all created by God everything happening is controlled by God is not just a coincidence. I belive in God i have encountered his presence and mighty power
Yes I do believe in God, he is the beginning and the end, God almighty
Yes I do. The shortest reason being that even the devil himself believes in God then why shouldn’t a flesh of His flesh not believe in Him…?
Yes I do. I believe He is the Creator and the reason for existence
Yes i beleive in GOD, Because he the creator of the world
Some people believe in God because of their family background, religious experiences, or a sense that the universe is extraordinary. Others believe because of the idea that God loves, cares for, and protects them. Some people also believe that God has revealed himself through the Bible, and that the Bible contains promises that God will never leave them, that they belong to God, and that nothing can separate them from God’s love.