UTF is a takido.io individual’s value measurement formula, developed by .io/ in consideration of time, knowledge, and money categorized under the .io/’s asset values. Calculated and known as “my worth” “your worth”.
Making Good Use of Time

What is time? According to Wikipedia; Time is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in an apparently irreversible succession from the past, through the present, into the future. Continue reading on Wikipedia..
If you know a more better meaning or definition of time, you can drop your thinking here, to win the sponsored prize of $1,050.00 USD on Memoir.
Everyone has 24 hours a day. As long as time is concern which is .io/’s one of most precious asset. Memoir values your every 1second equal to $0.01 USD.
Now see how much your time is worth with Memoir

Earn $300,000.00 USD yearly with Memoir streaming every single second of your time.
Earn $25,000.00 USD monthly with Memoir streaming every single second of your time.
Earn $864.00 USD daily with Memoir streaming every single second of your time.
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Earn $0.01 per every single second of your time, with Memoir MMR streams.
TRP30,000,000.00 is worth USD300,000.00 known as a yearly lifetime monetization per each second of Memoir basic users.

One year of human lifetime existence is equal to 30 million seconds. Hence the *takido.io/’s Universal Time Formula is calculated as (X multiplied by $0.01 = value). We encourages everyone to start their Bibliographic records on Memoir and establish their UNILEX memory data as a legacy of their existence.
Discover here how to start earning/streaming your first $10,000.00 USD
$0.01/s NOT your WORTH?

If you think your time is worth more than $0.01 per second. Please proceed with Memoir O3T now to start streaming your memories on signal basis, at your cost – with people around the world seeking instant knowledge (secret memoir). O3T Earning$ start from $5.00 to indefinite amount per session.