Activate and manifest your dreams by burning natural herbs such as Baino plants (sacred lotus). Baino plant incense is an organic and powerful substance mostly in powder form extracted or processed from naturally fermented dried baino plant leaves. The burning process of baino plant incense is commonly known as a ritual practice for manifestation.
An average person’s dreams in our society Common Era (CE), is most likely described as manifestation of materializations such as; money, car, house, or any other physical objects. According to a recent research by Ph.D. Peter Wonders, a specialist in Physiology and Psychology revealed that humans’ dreams are based on matter.
The scientific name for baino plant is nelumbo nucifera, which contains natural atomic properties such as; protons, neutrons, and electrons. During fermentation process of dried baino plant leaves, all negative charges (forces), also known as electron charge are released, to intensify its purity of high efficacy, when the baino incense is burned, the smoke released helps neutralized natural electro-magnetic field (EMF) of your space, to align your manifestation intension. Hence, this process channels your spiritual energy to the divine energy of baino incense, as it releases its smoke, by tapping directly to the consciousness of your mind, and aligns, that of which you want to manifest as your intentions for burning natural baino plant incense substance.
2024: World’s TOP 3 Consumed Baino Plant Preparations;
- Baino Plant Food
- Baino Plant Tea
- Baino Plant Incense
Reporting from statistics, baino incense has the lowest number of sales with the highest revenue streams, as 1000 mg (1g) is sold at $155.52 USD of average. Baino plant incense is one of the rarest substances you will find, considering the facts that about 88% of baino fresh plants are consumed for medicinal and edible used.
- Write down your plans 7X (before bedtime)
- Wake up and drink 1 liter of fresh water
- Burn your baino plant incense
- Activate your intention with action
- Manifest and adjust as required
Your dream could be just ANYTHING. Based on Psychological study, 79% of humans desire to have money, car, or house as their top three desires, which confirm the high statistics measure of global purchase intentions of baino plant incense. Studies also confirmed that burning baino incense is capable to activate self-emotional manifestation (Love) frequency. Literally, burning baino plant incense helps connects you to your purpose and divine path, bringing your plans and dreams into reality, commonly known as manifestation ritual.
Let us breakdown the process of dreams MANIFESTATION by burning baino plant incense.
- Write down Your Plans 7X (Before Bedtime)
To start with, write down your plans seven times on a piece of paper, before going to sleep. The process of writing down your plans is writing your future, as per your wish and intentions of manifestation, which you will later recite in spoken words the written words, as affirmation of your manifestation, during the baino plant incense burning process. This could just be one thing repeated seven times. - Wake Up and Drink 1 Liter of Fresh Water
Say, “good morning” to yourself, after waking up in the morning. Measure 1000 ml (1L) of fresh water, recite your plans 7X and drink your water. Why it’s important for you to drink water and stay hydrated prior igniting the incense? Water is vital to our health. It plays a key role in many of our body’s functions, including bringing nutrients to cells, getting rid of wastes, protecting joints and organs, and maintaining body temperature. Water should almost always be your go-to beverage, according to Physiologists. - Burn Your Baino Plant Incense
The burning of baino plant incenses must aligned with your intentions (wish, goal, plan, desire), which off-course has been written already by you, in the step one of this dreams manifestation process. Incenses are basically aromatic biotic material that releases fragrant smoke when burnt. Burning baino plant incense releases high vibrational frequency energy, as the smoke of baino incensed the air, which serves as the connection between the earthly and the divine forces. Ten minutes after burning your incense, close your eyes and visualize your intentions coming to life.
For physical manifestation;
- money
- car
- house
- other variation of materialization.
*Use a censer, place some charcoal inside your censer, lit them up, then pour your powder incense on the fired charcoal, as it is burning, recite your dreams seven time and place the piece of paper on the fired charcoal, while you continue to speak affirmation to your dreams.
For non-physical manifestation;
- THIRD-EYE vision
- dream partner
- reverse evil energy
- other variation of spiritualization.
*In this case, you will need to burn a baino plant incense stick, by reciting your affirmation for manifestation, as written, matching your intentions. Based on use cases and sales analytics; the ‘baino incense stick’ is less demanded but more costly than ‘baino incense powder’ in the market.
- Activate Your Intention with Action
Take the first action in your TO-DO list to activate your dreams manifestation by taking the very first action to your positive intentional direction for manifesto. A TO-DO list is a detailed breakdown of your daily to-do-activity, according to your dreams plan intention, which enables you to take actionable steps day-by-day leading to your dreams manifestation destination. Some number of people believed that baino plant incense were miracle ritual, of which is not, rather, practicing dreams manifestation ritual using baino plant incense requires actionable works into your realization of manifesto.
Many creators or producers of baino plant incense may provide you with a pre-defined “TO-DO list” to help for faster manifestation, during your purchase support, prior to order payment, when buying the incense online.
- Manifest and Adjust As Required
You need intense focus and very low level of distraction to manifest your dreams, upon burning your baino plant incense, as it is prescribed to burn the incense one’s in each month, precisely every number 7th day of the month at exactly 6:19 AM/PM. The recommended burning time is one hour ritual session. Burning baino plant incense alters and re-aligns your spiritual DNA, connecting your root-to-crown chakras energy to manifest your desires and dreams in the 3D-realm dimension of materialization or spiritualization.
The moment you start receiving the money, car, house, and other manifested materials or wishes, adjusting your daily 24-hours schedule is very essential and necessary, while you dedicate more time to allow you water your manifestation seed, to multiply what you are already receiving, after your baino incense ritual; the sacred ritual not just about lighting a substance and imbuing your home. It’s about the energy behind it.
Based on high results efficacy; it’s no doubt you need baino plant incense to manifest your dreams.