Investing in natural resources such as baino plants is one of the best investment decisions you will ever make, as an investor, the only secure, natural, and organic route to multiply your money. Stream the knowledge below to learn how baino plant stocks will multiply your 100.00 USD to 1000000.00+ USD via fermentation by investing in organic dried baino plant leaves, within six months.
What Is Baino Plant?
Baino plant (or sacred lotus) is a perennial, aquatic herb with creeping rootstock. It is a rare natural resource that grows abundantly on earth’s lowlands such as marshes, swamps, lakes, or rivers, with many beneficial uses including medicine, food, health, and spiritual solutions to human, when consumed at different stages.
Baino plant is originated from the Orient (1500 Asia), and are widely used in America and some parts of Africa, with the lowest cultivation and consumption rates in territories like Europe. Based on a recent research, conducted in 2022; Baino plants are always in need by consumers due to its very high potency in providing effective solutions to most of human problems; hence it’s cultivation in many local communities. Baino leaf is globally the most used parts of the natural plant.
Below are 4 key benefits and use cases of baino plant;
RAW /medicinal (all parts, consumed fresh)
PREPARED /food (leaves, consumed as dishes)
DRIED /healing (leaves, consumed as tea)
FERMENTED /manifesto (leaves, consumed as incense)
In this article, you will learn how to securely invest $100 in baino plant stocks to earn $1 million dollars profit plus, within a space of six months, by purchasing 10 kilograms of organic dried baino plant leaves, ferment it for the period of 6 months, blend and selling them at 155.52 USD per gram, of FDBPLP (fermented dried baino plant leaves powder) manifesto. Baino incense stocks profit are calculated at a constant time motion value (TVM) of $0.01 per second (TRP) multiplied by the total duration number of fermentation time. So to say, investing in baino plant implies investing in time, also known as time stock (or trp stock).
Fermented dried baino plant leaves powder are burned as incense (1g/m) for religious and spiritual practices, precisely dreams manifestation, where common physical materials manifested after incense ritual includes money, cars, houses, etc. The burning of FDBPLP incense helps repairs ones spiritual DNA, and aligns the heart with the mind to result in dreams manifesto, through the divine light energy of respective human’s 3D-realms religious deity (or Gods served). For example; burning baino incense is a ritual process that helps connects you with your spirit counterpart, to bring your plans to reality, using the 369 methodological manifesto practices, commonly referred to as mystic powers or mysticism, in esoteric studies.
Current baino plant leaves consumption ratios in relation to market prices;
- Raw, 12%, sold at $1.46 per kilo
- Cook, 77%, sold at $4.01 per dish (average)
- Dry, 08%, sold at $10.22 per kilo
- Ferment, 03%, sold at $155.52 per gram
FDBPLP is the lease consumed with 3% total ratio, but with the highest estimated market value at about $610 billion dollars yearly, due to its high retail cost per gram.
How To Invest 100 USD In Baino Plant?
The process of investing in baino plant is like investing in time stock, since your invested capital amount get multiplied in constant time motion value (with symbol TRP) at a standard 0.01 USD per second within the period of six months, whereby you invest 100.00 USD to buy 10 kilograms of organic dried baino plant leaves at 10.22 USD per kilo and resell at 155.52 USD per gram, after fermentation and processing the particles to powder substance (incense).
After fermenting 10 kilograms of organic dried baino plant leaves, grinding the particles to powder, then packing and selling the fermented dried baino plant leaves powder at $155.52 per gram times 10000 grams will results to $1,555,200 dollars.
1- Withdraw $100 from your account
2- Visit your local market (or online), buy 10kg dried baino leaves
3- Ferment for six months, in dark space, store, or room
4- Process particles to powder, sell 1g at $155.52
5- Setup Google ads for “baino plant” X0.25/CPC
*10000 grams of fermented dried baino plant leaves powder is sold at $1.55 million, average $155.52 USD per gram.
To begin with your investment, for the sake of good security for your investing capital, it is highly recommended to purchase or buy your organic dried baino plant leaves from 611 approved agents only, to avoid getting involved in scams and loss of funds. Scammers will only target your money. To make the journey smoother, some investors work in collaboration with a plant taxonomist and stockbroker, with a profit, proceeds, bonds, or stocks shares off-course, but this article is focused on you doing the entire work, as a retail investor. Meaning, you do not have to share your $1 million+ proceeds with any party.
However, working with a taxonomist and a broker will return you average 40% share of the total proceeds after split. Monetarily, baino plant is regarded as a security material that can be converted to cash at any time when sold (from fresh, cooked, dried, fermented), since it is always in demand, due to its high potency to provide many medicinal, food, healing, and spiritual solutions to humans.
As a retail investor in baino plant stocks, you will need to source the raw or fresh plants directly yourself from cultivators (local market or online shop), drying and fermenting the plants. Better still buy them already dried, and simply undergo the fermentation process, which is actually the money counting and multiplication period, in monetary value, depending on your investing capital currency amount. Major stage of baino plant is the fermentation process, the longer the fermentation time, the high the cost of FDBPLP manifesto incense per gram. For example; 10000 grams of organic dried baino plant leaves powder fermented for twelve months is sold at $3 million+ average, unlike the six months fermentation time which is sold at $1 million+ average for the same 10000 grams quantity.
Now, let us go into the step-by-step investing details;
1- Withdraw $100 from your account.
First, if you are sourcing the organic fresh or dried baino plants from your local market (and you do not hold cash), then you will have to withdraw the money (capital) from your Bank, PayPal, Crypto, or MoMo account in cash and take it to the physical or local market, to buy or purchase your baino plant stocks, ready for fermentation. Should you’re sourcing for your baino plant stocks online, then that would be a lot easier to pay sellers using your Bank, PayPal, Crypto, or MoMo account and no need of holding cash. In case where you do not have capital funds (100 USD or equivalent), you can seek for loans from institutional investors.
2- Visit your local market (or online), buy 10kg dried baino leaves.
This will definitely be one of the hardest steps in this process, finding the organic baino plants. Sacred lotus is the official member of baino plant, used for incenses, bearing the scientific name; nelumbo nucifera, which is the actual baino plant species required and effective for the end results of the incense substance after burning (ritual) to help bring consumer plans to reality (manifesto) in mysticism. However, it is easier to find the organic baino plants when purchased from 611 approved agents, in your local market (or online), and securely buy 10kg dried baino plant leaves (directly from cultivators or retailers), for fermentation.
3- Ferment for six months, in dark space, store, or room.
The fermentation process of organic dried baino plant leaves is the actual transformation period where your invested capital amount multiplies based on constant time motion value (TVM) at 0.01 USD per second (TRP) within the duration of six months fermentation time. After properly fermenting your dried baino plant leaves within 6 months and grinding particles to powder, your 10 kilos (10000 grams) of baino plant stock is therefore worth $1.55 million dollars in monetary value, ready to be sold. Essentially, dried baino plant leaves are fermented in air-tide woven bags, and kept in secure dark space, store, or room. The starting and ending date of fermentation tag is required, as well as mandatory to validate the fermenting due time, during selling time.
4- Process particles to powder, sell 1g at $155.52.
So far, baino plant is a testament to the synergy between nature and sustainable practices. After holding your 10 kilograms of fermented dried baino plant leaves stocks, now it is time to convert, grind, or process the granulated particles into powder forms or shape, which is to be used as incense, before packing and selling them per grams, $155.52 USD/g. Grinding the particles to powder will solely depend on the most convenient option available to you.
5- Setup Google ads for “baino plant” X0.25/CPC.
This last step talks about marketing and sales. After six months of complete fermentation and grinding your baino particles to powder, you are in possession of $1.55 million worth of stocks in baino plants, ready to be put to market for sale (locally or globally) depending on your preference. It is highly recommended to setup Google ads for “baino plant” products at $0.25 per CPC average, to maximize sales and boost revenue, thereby helping you to sell your 10000 grams of fermented dried baino plant leaves powder faster. For normal sales, you can setup a free Meta or AllBiz store to advertise and promote your products; this free promoting process might take up to a year and more to sell all your 10000grams of total baino plant stock.